PBSIS Helping Schools Build Systems of Support

Welcome Back!  NJ PBSIS looks forward to the new school year!

"Education is the vaccine of violence." Edward James Olmos

September is Suicide Prevention Month

Did you know that 41.5% of youth in New Jersey who participated in the CDC’s 2021 Youth Behavior Risk Survey, reported feeling sad every day for 2 or more weeks and 19.6% reported contemplating a suicide attempt in the 12 months leading up to taking the survey?  Start the year supporting student social and emotional wellness by normalizing asking for help routines.    Include a lesson in your annual universal prevention instructional rollout that explains signals for when a student should ask for help, who they can talk to, and how to access that person.  Check out a lesson example here.  View the NJ DOE letter to Superintendents and the NJ DOE Suicide Prevention page for resources and information for Suicide Prevention.  Visit the NJ4S Public Events page for trainings for students and for staff.

Inclusive Culture and Climate
Did you know that 21.6% of the New Jersey community identifies as Hispanic or LatinX?  Beginning September 15, we celebrate the rich contributions, traditions, and histories of the Latinx community here in New Jersey and across the country.  Strengthen your allyship by reflecting on the LatinX experience in New Jersey Schools.  Check out a newly release report by the Cornwall Center at Rutgers The LatinX Experience in NJ Schools:  A Preliminary Overview (2024)

2024-2025 Conferences Posted

Looking to attend a conference this school year?  Visit the upcoming events page for MTSS related conferences happening in New Jersey and across the country this school year.

Rutgers Research Reveals the Effects of Long COVID in Children and Adolescents 

A Rutgers University organized consortium published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), documenting the effects of long COVID in children and adolescents.  The first published study of its kind found prolonged symptoms after COVID in most organ systems.  The results have important implications for supporting students with long COVID in educational settings.  Read more here and here.  


Citation:  Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Kleinman LC, et al. Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents. JAMA. Published online August 21, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.12747 


2023-2024 School Recognition List

Announcing the 2023-2024 School Recognition list for Universal Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 implementation efforts.  Congratulations to all the school teams!  View the recognition list using the School Recognition tab.